Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

  Easter was so exciting this year with Ash being a little bit older. For one thing, he didn't have chickenpox this year. We made him a little basket....errrr, maybe not so little. And then so did his grandparents & his aunt. haha Spoiled rotten! Just a little bit of candy but a lot of art things & toys. Don't mind momma & daddy's basket.

  Chris & I decided to get him a nice suit for the occasion. He was so handsome! I still just can't get over how big my baby is getting. It truly goes by too fast & I want to make sure I don't miss any of it.
We went over to my parents house for Easter for our family day. Immediately wanting to go outside, he began to spot the eggs right away. haha He knew exactly what to do for the hunt! We had to hold him off until his aunt came so that we could do pictures.
  He ran around the yard finding them all & putting them in his basket. Then he had a blast getting them all open to see what was inside.
  A wonderful meal. A wonderful family. Just a perfect day!



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