Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I am ready for the good times

I'm convinced that I should save up lots & lots of money for the ER now. Kids fall, kids get hurt, happens everyday. Ash tends to do it a lot. When he's tired he likes to walk with his sippy cup & very much looks like a drunk sailor staggering around.
The past couple of weeks have been rough. Our garage door broke, our garbage disposal broke, then my father ended up needing bypass surgery. Surely, it doesn't get worse after that kind of scare.
Apparently, we are not done. Ash fell last weekend while doing his drunken walk & chipped his front tooth. Guess its a good thing there's a backup. Thankfully, the dentist said that Ash's' tooth will be fine for now. My father is home, recovering & doing so well. We must be on the up cycle, right?
Today I found a lump on my boxer that I'm praying is nothing. Ash tripped again & arms outstretched, got his finger with nail right into my eye. Yeah, I don't recommend having that done...ever. Then this evening Ash went down again. Really? This kid needs a helmet. His lip is super swollen & he's got ice on it now. I'm so glad that he didn't need sutures!
So now I ask, when does the crapstorm stop? There's always good with the bad. If the trade was that my dad is ok, then I'm fine with that, but come on! Enough for a little while.

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