Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bring Back My Bar Spring 2012

It has been so busy here preparing for Ashs' 1st birthday! I'll blog about his Yo Gabba Gabba cake soon.'s Bring Back My Bar Time! Oh how I love bring back my bar for Scentsy. Twice a year they bring back 20 retired scents that customers have voted to bring back. Sometimes its one that I adored and others it a ton of scents that I didn't ever get to smell. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE citrus sun tea. I am soooooo glad that they brought it back this time around. It's just a little something to get us addicts a fix before all the new scents and products come out in September for the Fall/Winter line. Of course I will then be squeeing with delight then too. These are only available through July so get yours quick! I'm having a party in a couple of weeks or you can always order from my site. I also ship parties at my cost if anyone is interested. Thanks so much!

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