Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hunter or hunted?

Mosquitos have been so bad this year! Perhaps its all the sugar in my blood but they seek me out and attack me. I have about 25 mosquito bites on my feet and ankles alone because it's the only place they can really get to. So now I'm wearing socks in 105 degree weather to try to save my poor itchy feet. I try to track them in flying and reach out to snatch them Mr. Miyagi style. I've managed to catch 7 in the past week, but much like a hydra head they seem to multiply.
This isn't the first time I have felt hunted by bugs. I once was attacked by a praying mantis. Those things are nearly the creepiest bugs ever. Peaceful, my butt! I think there's a law against killing them. Seriously??? This one in particular came flying at me up stairs. I'm convinced it was after me. I of course ran screaming like a little girl.
We have hornets around my house. Surely, they moved in when I did. I open the door to let the dogs out and BAM! Hornet in my face. Screaming like a little girl as usual, I slam the door. These hornets come out of no where! I try to look out the window first. No hornet, I open up and it swoops in. With Raid can in hand, heart racing, I pray to not be stung.
In an apartment I lived in once there were crickets. Not normal crickets, mutant flying giant crickets. They'd come out of no where at you! I was terrified that they would actually get in my bed so naturally the only "reasonable" option was to stay up at night hunting them. With carpet, crickets don't go down so easy. They'd would just pop back up and hop frantically. To slow them down, can of resolve foam. Ha! At least the carpets were clean and I was doing a better job of cricket control than the apartment complex!

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