Monday, August 6, 2012


I love food & like to eat. I don't think that's so bad. I don't think it's nice to look at someone, whether skinny or overweight & judge them for what they like to eat or how much. It's rude. I'm sure that there are many things that you do that you would not want someone commenting on or laughing at.
A lot of times, it does end up being cheaper to buy things in bulk or get the larger size of something. However, it does not necessarily mean I intend to eat it all in one sitting.
My husband & I went to the movies over the weekend & opted to just get 2 large popcorns. I love movie theater popcorn the next day. So what if it was 10am! The girl sure had a look when we ordered them. Maybe I'm just being silly. As we took our order, she called out as we were walking away, "you know you get free refills of popcorn when you finish that", with a smirk on her face. Wow. Why not just sing baby beluga?
This is not the 1st time this has happened. Since delivery charges are going up, I like to order several meals at one time & have them for a lazy week. Plenty of things reheat well!
A pizza place once delivered a large order when I still lived in a apartment. This teenager showed up, peeked into my apartment & told me he was sure I was having a party & was surprised to find me alone. Really?!
A deli delivered once saying that he thought he wouldn't find any parking at my house for all the food I ordered & laughed. In my embarrassment, I explained why I order so much. The delivery charge is the same as 1 meal! He said, "if you say so." Just call me a cow, why don't you.
Bless the Chinese food people though, they don't care. They just bring the food & take the money. No verbal judgement. No look that says "Hey fatty, here's your food." Sure they may be thinking it. Who cares? Just bring me the food, keep your pie hole shut & we'll be fine.
Please don't judge others. There could be a ton of reasons why they are ordering all that food or even if they just had a bad day, that's their business.

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