Monday, August 20, 2012

Where have all the nap times gone?

Ah nap time. For most parents it's a most wonderful thing. It's a chance to rest or catch up on what we need to. For me it's usually the only chance I get to rest after a full day of work. I regain my sanity playing video games or working out. Ash used to be so great at nap times. Two a day no problem. After his 1st birthday that all changed.
I took it pretty hard. haha What do parents do without nap time? It's integral to our well being. Ash still needs it though he doesn't seem to think so. I tried to fight him on it, but recently he put me in my place by staying up until 5pm before he would finally nap. He woke up with hair sticking up all over the place, ate, and was so grouchy. When I tried to put him to bed, he then stayed up another hour singing in there before he would finally fall asleep. He was tired enough to just go off, but I'm positive he stayed awake just to prove a point.
I will miss that 2nd nap time. It's just a sign that my baby boy is growing up and I really am not ready to cope with that!

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