Monday, August 13, 2012

We didn't start the fire

Yesterday was exciting in a not good way. Poor Ash had his fever come back so we were already trying to battle that. We put Ash down for his nap and I heard what sounded like raindrops hitting the window, but it wasn't raining. I looked out the window to try to solve the mystery. Holy mother! My neighbors tree was on fire!!!!
"There's a fire next door," I yelled to Chris. I called 911 and he ran outside and started hosing down the fire. Thankfully, another neighbor joined in and they were able to get the flames out before the fire dept. got here. The wind had picked up and the fire had been spreading across the grass and would have torched our house right at Ashs' room. Very scary thought! I thank God that we were home and I noticed it when I did. I'm so grateful that Chris was able to get out there and stop it in time. I couldn't imagine what would have happened other wise.
It turned out that the gas in the neighbors lawn mower must have ignited since it's so hot out. They lost most of their shed, fence, tree and some grass. Thankfully, no one was hurt and there wasn't more damage than that.

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