Saturday, August 11, 2012

You have to fight...for your party

We had 2 parties this weekend to go to. That's right, 2. A family party and Ashs' friend, Logan, birthday party. We had already agreed to go to Logans' party a few weeks before we got the family party invite so we had to decline that one. I was so excited to be there and see Logan eat his 1st birthday cake! Unfortunately, it's just natural for things to happen when you have plans. Ash and I both got sick this week. My poor baby has had a fever and has a cough. My sore throat, dizziness, chills and all other kinds of fun stuff made me have to cancel on this party too. Boo. I'd hoped we'd be able to kick this stuff before the party. Maybe since Logan missed Ashs' party, I should just make a cake for the 2 of them to share!


  1. That it so sweet. We missed you at the party, but I have some pictures & video. Extra cake is always great too! Love the title by the way. :) See you when you feel better.

    1. Lol Well I thought of you for the title. ;) I hope he had an awesome birthday!!
