Friday, August 31, 2012

No, I won't back down!

Well, I have tried. I refused to admit defeat & have made it so far with this cold. I think it's finally claimed me though. Can't breathe, got the shakes. Really, I'm on my last day of this super antibiotic with the giant horse pills that make me gag. Heck, I even got a steroid shot.
I had a friend come over yesterday & I felt perfectly fine. I guess I really wanted to see her! After she left, it crept back in. My wonderful husband went & got me tissues & medicine last night so I should be feeling right as rain.
I am hoping that it will just be a "you need to finish waking up thing." That's not too much to ask right? I'm supposed to see my moms club finally today! It's been months! I have had to cancel or they cancelled & the Dr assured me it's safe with being on antibiotics.
I'm beginning to worry that I may have to give in & actually rest instead. We'll see. I haven't given up completely yet! Onward to work with cup of coffee in my hand, tissues on my desk & armed with medicine that may or may not induce drowsiness. Love to live on the wild side, baby! Happy Friday all!

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