Friday, August 3, 2012

You've got furniture on your face!

Sigh. My son. My son is teething. I just love when new teeth are coming in. My poor baby is just in pain & all I can do is sit back & hope he feels better soon after teething tabs or tylenol.
He, like many kids, will find anything & everything to chew on. Some of my favorites have been a plastic toy boat captain head, a dog toy, & the couch. My very favorite is now his crib. Ugh. The 1st time I noticed marks in his crib I wondered how the dogs got up there or we had a monster in the room. Little did I know, Ash was the monster!
I went to get him after a nap one day & saw brown flecks on his face. What the heck? It took me a minute to figure it out. I stupidly said, "OMG! You've got furniture all over your face!" he just smiled at me. I have since caught him on the camera gnawing away. I need to figure out some solution to this.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?

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