Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weight loss challenge Week 4

Well, I'm feeling pretty discouraged. I really did good this week. I stuck to a pretty good diet and though I did have a couple of goodies, I ate a minimal amount. I was a lot more active. I even went running 3 times this week. How is it possible that I still gained?!
I was pretty upset about it this morning and chose poorly to eat popcorn at the movies, but I'm back on tracking my calories and I plan to get back to running tomorrow.
A friend told me that the scale is evil and I should just not even look at it. I'm seriously considering it, since my clothes are fitting better and I feel better. Maybe I gained muscle or something.
I just need to keep calm and run! Hopefully, next week will have better results.

1 comment:

  1. Muscle weighs more then fatcells deary. You may just be converting to a heavier weight as your muscles develope.
